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Benefits Of An Indoor Positioning System For Smart Homes And Different Industries!


It is said that time is money. This new era of technology belongs to those who work smart, not hard. Recently, smart homes and buildings have also witnessed a paradigm shift in technology integration. Many real estate companies invest in unique technologies to make life more comfortable for the residents.

The e-commerce and delivery companies are also rapidly embracing the same trend and looking forward to enhancing the delivery experience for the customers. One such recent concept is indoor positioning systems for smart homes. To put it simply, it is a technology that provides highly accurate locations up to even a few meters of various objects and things.

Let's try to understand this with the help of an example:

How often has the delivery boy struggled to find your home's exact location despite mentioning having the delivery address? How often have you been frustrated with not being able to locate the vacant parking space in your society?

This blog will analyze the benefits of smart buildings and indoor positioning technology powered by the Smart Address technology of SmartPoint. We will understand how the solutions can help transform our homes and various industries by expediting the numerous processes.

Smart Homes:

Why only own a smartphone when your home can also be smart? The indoor positioning system for smart homes by SmartPoint is the solution that is gaining enormous traction amongst the masses. SmartPoint eliminates countless time-consuming processes by letting the owners deliver the information they seek to provide at any point in time, if it is about assisting the delivery guy with the exact location, finding the parking lot, or figuring out the traffic in the vicinity. All this saves your time and makes a living more comfortable.

Deliveries and Logistics:

A wide range of Smart Addresses and Micro-Location solutions by SmartPoint make the logistics operation, from storage to delivery, completely smooth. As a leading indoor positioning solution provider, our solutions comprise next-generation technology. Every single item can be tracked with pinpoint accuracy. The location of the customers can be reached with micro-maps and short routes. This cutting-edge technology is apt for diverse industries and their complex logistical operation.

Indoor positioning systems for smart homes

Logistics in Hospitals and Healthcare:

Most of the time, reaching a hospital is a matter of life and death, and a few minutes of delay can cost a person's life. The Smart Address solutions by SmartPoint can prove to be a major boon to deal with this situation. The Micro Routing and Smart Address feature all eventually curtail the time taken for a patient to reach the hospital by providing the exact location and the shortest route to reach the hospital.

Logistics in Hospitals and Healthcare

Hotel and Hospitality:

We seek to bring about a complete revolution in the hotel and hospitality sector. Being a pioneer as an indoor positioning solution provider, we strive to equip every hotel with interactive maps to enhance the guests' experience with the facilities they seek to enjoy. The hotel can easily showcase all the major points in the hotel the guests would like to visit through interactive maps. Guidance to the visitors at every few steps about the amenities will enhance visitors' experience immensely.

Hotel and Hospitality


Though it might appear as easy as falling off a log, finding a parking space can sometimes be frustrating. It is not something like a walk in the park. Who would want to spend precious time merely finding a parking space? SmartPoint’s universal Smart Address ID and micro-routing are exclusively dedicated to every parking space and can provide hassle-free parking for two-wheeler and four-wheeler owners. The accurate information on short parking routes and parking spaces simplifies things drastically.


The bottom line:

So, what are you waiting for? Visit SmartPoint and grab high-quality indoor positioning systems for smart homes today!


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