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Micro-Location Capabilities: Coolest uses of Micro-Location Technology


For those who do not know, RTML stands for real-time micro-location; this service helps you in numerous ways. Today SmartPoint is happy to tell you that we transfer the new last-mile economy for deliveries, rideshare, and Avs with our most advanced micro-location technology. It does not matter whether you are trying to reach emergencies, such as 911 or health care, or trying to convert your house into a smart home; we got your back.

You will be amazed to know that RTML is helping the world with convenience, saving time and money, safety and security, and even with the heights of your business. Businessmen worldwide use the micro-location to keep track of the behavior of their customers, for example, their shopping patterns. You might not know, but when you shop online, these people keep track of your every move; later, they use discounts and offers to increase profit. Micro-location capabilities are the reason behind that.

We don’t know if you are aware of the invention of SmartAddress or not. It is designed to provide a universal location registry and DNS-like naming system for all areas and micro-locations, helping implement an open, AI-enabled real-time, micro-location (RTML) single source of truth for all users and services. SmartAddress is capable of converting an ordinary building into an intelligent building. All you have to do is contact us at SmartPoint. Let’s continue reading this post and know other cool uses of micro-location technology.

Advantages of Micro-Location Technology!

Finding things

First of all, we want to clarify that micro-location and GPS are two different things. Many people confuse GPS with micro-location services, and they are entirely wrong. But one thing is for sure that the RTLM geographic information system is way better than the GPS. GPS grants you access to only 40 meters; on the other hand, micro-location has no limitations. That is why finding things is the most fantastic benefit of micro-location services. For instance, if you want to locate a warehouse, then leave it to us.

Detecting car parts and cars at the parking lots

Have you ever thought that you can quickly locate the parts of a vehicle; it is possible now. Our mobile application will help you begin with streamlining manufacturing. Sometimes you park in a hurry and forget where you parked; that is where micro-lactation helps you; you can locate your vehicle quickly. The capability can also be used for tools and spare parts.

Auto-following drones

Yes, we accept that drones are not that common in our daily life. But these drones are becoming more and more common in the youth nowadays. Few drone companies provide you with a follow-me function. That means if you belong to the camera and video shooting industry and use a drone for your work, you can quickly locate your tool. As an experienced company, we have seen several cases where people lost their drones because of the connectivity issue; it will not happen anymore.

Preventing accidents

Of course, preventing accidents is the most crucial benefit of micro-location services. We provide you the facility of ultrawideband tag that could communicate with the connected cars. This is our first step to stop as many accidents as possible. We aim to provide connectivity of at least 200-m so that you have the time to control your car. That is something that GPS services can not do.

Making hospitals safer and more efficient

When you have a critical condition patient in your home, every minute matters, all you want is to reach the hospital as soon as possible. Especially when you are new to a place, it is difficult to achieve a location faster, but when you use services like RTML, you get the help of pinpoint location tags to reach your desired places in no time. It will also help you with contacting an ambulance.


As I talked about above, RTML stands for real-time micro-location; this service helps you in numerous ways. Today SmartPoint is happy to tell you that we transfer the new last-mile economy for deliveries, rideshare, and Avs with our most advanced micro-location technology. Micro-location capabilities are beneficial for finding things, preventing accidents, and making hospitals more efficient.

For more information, contact SmartPoint.

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