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How Micro-Location For Hospitals Might Change The Whole Scenario Of Healthcare?


We've come a long way ever since the first outbreak of real-time location services. The world has seen some major breakthroughs, and it looks like this technology has made its way to the healthcare industry. Whether you believe it or not, the modern system of navigation in hospitals is expected to become an effective tool in managing flows of visitors, allowing the staff and patients to carry out daily activities without any major complications.

A technology like micro-location for hospitals is expected to make great and much-needed changes to healthcare. For instance, the experts believe that there would be fewer queues at the reception desk with this technology, and people are less likely to get lost in their search for their rooms. It may come as a surprise, but more and more hospitals are moving to the format of becoming a "smart hospital" every year.

Benefits of Micro-Location in Healthcare

  • Easier navigation for patients

Hospitals are an unmatched combination of emergency and service. Thus, it is important to satisfy those who are not critical. Waiting time is one of those aspects that have to be observed by hospitals. Even the smallest delay can turn out to be disastrous.

With micro-location, both patients and medical staff can perform navigation in real-time while choosing the optimal route avoiding closed zones.

  • Medical staff tracking

It is a fact that time is a key resource in medicine. The point is, the faster and the more carefully doctors act, the more lives are likely to be saved. Doctors can use this technology to locate room and equipment, staff, or colleagues.

This technology can be used to choose the optimal routes and keep them under control, especially the work schedule, which is updated in real-time and is always at hand.

  • Equipment and searching

The Healthcare industry has always seen major issues with medical equipment. The most crucial aspect amongst them is ensuring immediate access to necessary equipment in case of emergencies.

Now, in order to save a patient's life, it is imperative to have the equipment delivered, which is what micro-location is all about.

SmartPoint: Bringing the Revolution in Micro-Location Services

SmartPoint is one of the few companies working day through the night to make the whole concept of micro-location more and more precise.

SmartPoint is doing its best in transforming the new "Last Mile" economy for deliveries, rideshare, and AVs with multi-patented "Last Meter" 2D and 3D "to the door" AI and Voice-enabled SaaS platform. The platform on its own is capable of eliminating the layers and frictions between users seeking immediate information, products and services, and the providers of what users want.

What Industries Do We Cater To?

We are focused on offering the world a better future, and we believe micro-location could be a good start for it. Here are few industries that we are striving hard to satisfy:

  • Deliveries and logistics

  • Smart buildings and indoor positioning

  • Hospital and home healthcare logistic

  • Hotels, resorts, and hospitality

  • Smart homes

  • Parks, lakes, farms, and lands

  • Parking

  • E911 and other emergency services

What Are The Benefits Of Incorporating Micro-Location In Your Business?

Micro-location has a lot to offer, but if we have to name a few, we thought it'd be better to enlist them down below.

  • Saves both time and money

Precise pinpoint location helps carry out exact information and routing for rideshare, deliveries, navigation, and nearby products and services.

  • Convenience

Micro-location for real estate owners can easily reduce the frustration and friction of consumers seeking immediate access to accurate information regarding nearby services.

  • Safety and security

Micro-location is all about providing the users with complete discretion of their location in any state of emergency.

  • Data and business intelligence

Micro-location and its carriers generate millions of valuable data points for both businesses and artificial intelligence.

  • Privacy

SmartPoint's unique and effective real-time permission-based privacy system provides unmatched privacy controls that only users are entitled to.

Last Words

When it comes to streamlining the healthcare industry, micro-location for hospitals seems like a viable technology. Innovative companies like SmartPoint are pushing their limits just to make micro-location more precise for multiple industries.

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