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How Micro-Mobily Companies Like Uber Leverage Location Intelligence


It is still a question for most people: how do micro-location services for uber help them with their customers? Well, worry not today; with the help of this post, SmartPoint will share everything that creates a bond between micro-location and uber. You know what people all the time ask us “what assets do we have right now that are not making money for us?” We want people to understand that RTML( Real-Time Micro Location) is going to rule the world. RTML provides uber matching demand and supply at the core of the business and helps them find and reach their customers in the least time possible. Even when you order something, it is essential to create an accurate location and share it with the courier company.

The next most asked question is that every micro-mobility company has a matching algorithm performed at different times and locations. Do they have a pattern, and if yes, how do they manage that? See, the demand can vary on various things such as rain, traffic, protests, and local events. And these things help us know where demand is high and what we can do about it. Let’s continue reading this post and try to find out the answer to such questions with the help of a few case studies.

Case Studies Related to Micro-Location Services for Uber!

Demand>>Supply(Lost Orders)

Let’s try to understand the lost orders by taking a scenario; it is 8 PM on Sunday, you got many droppers from a pub or a music concert. The person who originally booked the drive initially canceled it, and you found a boy willing to go to the same place without booking the cab. The monitoring of the ride will depend on where, rate, and distance to the nearest supply. Historically, several things such as frequency( do the drops in those locations have a frequency? Like the peak hours.) Duration( micro-location services for Uber will also help you with finding the time of the ride). In the end, properties of the area( is that area worth visiting).

Supply>>Demand(Idle Riders)

In our second case study, we will talk about supply over demand. If you love to ride in a residential area, you must receive plenty of ride requests frequently. And suddenly, you stop getting the ride requests, then what is the reason behind that. First of all, you must understand that idle riders and sessions are both perimeters to look at; it will help you know whether the problem is, or only with you or all the riders. Again the case one is monitoring; as discussed above, monitoring allows you to understand the current situation; where(where are the idle riders right now?). Rate ( what are the ideal rates per minute?. Distance to nearest demand is the last one. If we talk historically, the first thing is the frequency( do the idle riders have a location pattern?). Duration and peak hours(the average time of the rides and the peak hours). Subsequent time demand and what are properties of the area. Studies have shown that those factors that we have mentioned above matter the most when using the micro-location for uber.

The Magic of RideStop

SmartPoint is a widely spread network that uses the web to analyze the micro-location. It does not matter whether you are searching for emergency services like 911, hospitals, groceries, hotels, and tourism, and most importantly, booking an uber; we cover you for everything. Especially for Uber rides, we have planted a new technology known as RideStop. RideStop® is the first commercial application of SmartPoints technology. That works as a unified network to cover all the pickups and dropoffs for uber. Using our services, you get granular details of how the users are performing and how you can connect with the required services faster. You might not know, but it is essential to personalize your strategies for the particular location, and RTML can help you with that.


As I was talking about above, It is still a question for most people: how do micro-location services for uber help them with their customers? That is why we have shared above two kinds of case studies and the magic of RideStop. Reading them, you will quickly understand the connection between micro-location and uber.

For more information, contact SmartPoint.

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